Nov 16, 2010


Here, there is a word called "Gaze", actually, it have two different parts of this words, one is called "Direct Gaze", another is called "Indirect gaze".

Direct gaze

I think "direct gaze" makes you more attractive, here this image show that gaze direction can also be important for attraction. Faces that were looking directly at the viewer were judged more attractive than faces with averted gaze.

However, maybe u will feel uncomfortable when somebody gazing u, such as meeting or talking with u friends, nobody want to a people long steady look at u except sb fall in love with u that was not bad ...

Indirect gaze

I guess "Indirect gaze" it doesn't make you more attractive, but u also can see everything that maybe not all the details. and u can feel better than "Direct Gaze", because there no eye contact directly.
Probably, u also can realize someone look at u, or u don't care, that's fine,,,

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