Aug 15, 2011

For my sharemarket game

By today, i think i m just keeping a good news on my sharemaket game, the reason why is a i didnt lose any money, you know, sometimes if u still can live on the stonck market, it means you are the winner because there is a very dangers u shuold be very careful about that, no one can know it up or down, even the experts..

However, when you luck you can earn a lot, but i tink it depends on you choice or decision, how can you decide you share, reach before you choice,such as news or trends about the company.

ok, it is my SHL times, as i see it keeping up by 0.8% and i belive there will be increase a quite time, though somes down a little bit , but not worry about that, it a good trends with going up..

Aug 2, 2011

Good news

Today i buy $500 SHL share , it worth $6,165.00 currently, which is increasing $0.25 for each, compare with opening price is $12.08, but now is $12.33, that's good news i think..

Then next, let me have a look..

Jan 18, 2011

Event Review

Pine Street Creative Arts Centre
64 Pine Street
Chippendale, NSW 2008
Sydney , Australia

Monday -- Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm

On December 30th, I am going to Pine Street Creative Arts Center, l like this gallery under the three of reasons. The first reason is that I think some artwork quite good and I can learn some imagination. As we all know, imagination make a key role in our life. The second reason is that they provide lots of programs for people to learn. And some course is for free to youth people, some course for adults but you should pay a little bit of money. The third reasons is that I feel relax and comfortable. Well, please allow me to explore each parts of this event.

OK, this artwork is one of my favorite in terms of gallery. As you can see, this artwork leave lots of blank on the top-right or even all the top of parts in the paper that give me lots of imagination. I think this artwork tells a story that is a life story. When I was a boy, I read as many fairy tale as possible. It always seemed to look for who am I or where is my place. This questions around me when I was a child. Obviously, this artwork let me remind my childhood when I saw it.

In my opinion, this artwork 's structure is quite good because he use a very different angle of drawing to make up the hole stories. Sometimes, our whole life is composed by each of parts. On skills of drawing, In my opinion, the artist only draw some parts of the painting, while the other parts he just leave us to our imagination. And the useful of color is very chic with imagination. In addition, in this artwork, respectively, each part shows a different side of the hero, and even into the path of life. I think, this is a very modern artwork, because we can see that it is infected with a light color to do little by little with rhyme, over and over again with slowly draw very carefully, we can also see the producer 's care and patience on this work. This point makes me very encouraged, because that is a really important things in our life, if we do not seriously and have the patience to do one thing, it is difficult to make successfully, even just a little matter.

First of all, the new year is the year of the rabbit, probably, the reason why I pick this artwork when I saw it as plot of the rabbit year very effectively. I think we should go off to some trouble to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year. Here, I must admit when I saw this picture that I had thought too much about the Year of the Rabbit's vision. And when I come back my home, I do some search said that the rabbit or hare as he is referred to in Chinese mythology, is the emblem of longevity and is said to derive his essence from the moon. During the Chinese mid-Autumn festival when the moon is supposed to be at its lovely, Chinese children still carry lighted paper lanterns made in the image of a Rabbit and climb the hills to observe the moon and admire the moon hare.

And I also found some experts say, I think put it so well, here, I quote the following sentence "The Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel kindness and sensitivity to beauty. His soft speech and graceful and nimble ways embody all the desirable traits of a successful diplomat or seasoned politician." As we can see in this artwork, a rabbit stand on the rock at the same time all the hills behind on the rabbit. it seemed to say in any situation, the rabbit is one who really knows how to live. what's more, he or she is more than willing to let live. I really love this painting of rabbit, because it is said to bring peace or at least a respite from conflict or war. Likewise, its native will do everything in his power to restore harmony or he will leave the scene. There is no great inner struggle in the rabbit's heart between the force of good and evil. He believes in his own ability to survive, relies on his own judgment and is at peace with himself. his is the sign most apt to find happiness and contentment.

I also want to talk about the view of the angle, I think, there is not a close-up shot but it has a very strong view for me or viewer because although you can see the hole things with rabbit. In visual language, the view can be strong for audience when the shot is close-up. and another part is that you can see the whole thing when the shot is long shot. It means that it should not be not have a strong view because this artwork is a long shot because as you can see the whole things.

In this case, I think I do not agree with that because I think it is a very visual impact for this artwork when I saw it, which was attracted by the impact it had very deeply. Maybe it because the angle is a eye-level from viewer, but for the represented participants, it probably is a high-angle. As a result, we can find the view under the rabbit or the mountain with far away. What's more, as you can see, the producer use a very rough brush on the rabbit to show the fur texture of real rabbit, which is one of my favorite part. In addition, under the rough brush it also has many small details, like the toes and facial part. Similarly, there is a Chinese proverb called "crude and refined". It means that a yokel very careful when he doing things. This is certainly a man in praise, often used in advantages when used as a proverb. But there is one thing I do not understand there are some places in the painting, which is the artist just to select only two mountains and painted the color of rabbit fur that is a very similar in the distant mountains.

But I think this is a complete work rather than semi-finished product. I think, if it was me, I will change colors covered with two pieces rather than the similar color with rabbit fur because that looks better, in my opinion. There is another important thing is that in the background color, rabbit color and rabbit lying in the color of the stone above, we can see the color each other well. it means that we can see the similar color from one part to another part, for example, we can see the purple to appear in the background color and we also see the same color to display in the rabbit color, and the purple was came out by artist in the stone color as well that was the most cool thing by color using, I thought.

There are a number of course that is my love. some for Youth and is free. The number one is called "Ready, Steady, Craft!". It is a relax, wonderful evening of art and craft. We can bring our art and craft projects to work on and discuss. we had access to craft materials, photocopying and kitchen facilities. A great night to get busy with crafts such as jewellery, felting, knitting, needle work, crochet. An experienced art tutor will be on hand to assist you with your projects if needed. As a group, we got a great way to test out new products or creations and get feedback from other creative young people. we enjoy a free evening filled with needle and paper crafts with a little tea, bikkies and a good chat.

Another amazing course is called "Sculpture". This course explore the fundamentals of sculpture - assemblage, modeling and carving. On this course, it start with a construction and modeling project, where you will build a maquette from wood and wire, then apply a range of mixed media to develop and embellish the form. A second project will be based on the methodology of carving. we will make a plaster block then carve it into an abstracted figurative head. I think, that quite interesting because it support us with or without natural skills for representation.

By the way, There is a great chance to experiment with a variety of art mediums and find out which one is for you on Saturday Morning Art Club at Pine Street Creative Arts Center. As a result, you can join your weekend day program and specialize. With instruction from professional tutors, we will create paintings and drawings using quality materials to design or build a sculpture with form and decoration. We also construct ceramics artworks decorated with under glaze and create graphic images using print-making techniques, which is two-streamed, allowing us to consider formal and experimental concepts as part of age-appropriate activities.

Jan 4, 2011


Here is two of POP Arts that was i made, one is i called "Sydney Flower" and another one i called "the world of Mao",,now let me explore something for u ,,ha ha

Sydney Flower, as u can see, i used flower and some brushes to modify this pop artwork because i feel Sydney is very beautiful the same as flower,which is a young girl play in the wonderful spring season, that is so romantic, i think,,

the world of mao, as u can see i used the world map and chinese map to modify this artwork because i think mao is a great person, and u know, i think, there is a map always in his mind and he use this to do a great job,, he made a new the People's Republic of China..

Dec 10, 2010


this is my version of dadaism

as u can see a very strong view,, and i used a strong color as well,, please dont fear about that,,i think, in everyone's heart, two things u got, one is angle, another is evil, so ,i just thinking though u are Christ , Sudan also will come in when u fear,, so when i say kind and evil what do u think,,


firstly, i m wondering what is "Dadaism", then i do some search, Wikipedia said "Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922.

Dada was an informal international movement, with participants in Europe and North America. The beginnings of Dada correspond to the outbreak of World War I.

Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Wiemar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany
, 1919, collage of pasted papers, 90x144 cm, Stateliness Museum, Berlin.

Then,please let me put something that was my favorite,,

Bob Marley and the lion t-shirt. i like how the designer combines both heads together with the hair and also how their facial expression is portrayed and almost looking similar.

Will You Ever Sing

A poem by Peter S. Quinn

Will you ever sing
Like the bird in a tree,
That the sunshine can bring
Inside to me -;
All is pleasurable now
With much wondering ways,
We will manage somehow
To get it through these days.

There is winter outside
Often it is much fun,
When the sully moods hide
And the shadows are on run;
Bring though again spring
For I feel more pleasure,
Happiness is an inside feeling
Perhaps the truest treasure.

Will I ever have more
Then I have with this all,
I should have said there in before
Less is less and that is small;
Let there be sunshine
Before this day is gone,
It would be according to a line
I recently have done.
