Dec 10, 2010


firstly, i m wondering what is "Dadaism", then i do some search, Wikipedia said "Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922.

Dada was an informal international movement, with participants in Europe and North America. The beginnings of Dada correspond to the outbreak of World War I.

Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Wiemar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany
, 1919, collage of pasted papers, 90x144 cm, Stateliness Museum, Berlin.

Then,please let me put something that was my favorite,,

Bob Marley and the lion t-shirt. i like how the designer combines both heads together with the hair and also how their facial expression is portrayed and almost looking similar.

Will You Ever Sing

A poem by Peter S. Quinn

Will you ever sing
Like the bird in a tree,
That the sunshine can bring
Inside to me -;
All is pleasurable now
With much wondering ways,
We will manage somehow
To get it through these days.

There is winter outside
Often it is much fun,
When the sully moods hide
And the shadows are on run;
Bring though again spring
For I feel more pleasure,
Happiness is an inside feeling
Perhaps the truest treasure.

Will I ever have more
Then I have with this all,
I should have said there in before
Less is less and that is small;
Let there be sunshine
Before this day is gone,
It would be according to a line
I recently have done.


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