Nov 5, 2010

White Rabbit Gallery

White Rabbit is a new art gallery opening up in Sydney in late 2008.

The gallery is a private collection of contemporary Chinese art, which will be on show , free to the public in an entirely new artspace, currently under construction in Chippendale (a suburb in Sydney’s inner west).

The art works have been collected by the Neilson Foundation, with all artwork created after 2000. There will be 70 artists represented, and over 500 works of art. The identity created for the gallery reflects the nature of “collections”.

Art lovers are sharing their passion through private galleries.

Over 10 years, Neilson, the wife of the Platinum Asset Management co-founder Kerr Neilson has built a collection of more than 450 works by contemporary Chinese artists.

Some works that we love and that we respond to. We’re not trying to chase after any names and we’re not trying to fill any gaps.”

We always wanted to share it and not just hoard it away…. there are some great collections that don’t get accessed by the public because people keep them behind closed doors,” says Paris. “But I think our culture would be a lot richer if people did share their collections.

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