Nov 26, 2010


this picture called "Symbolism", it is an enormous range of symbolic roles that numbers have played in various cultures, religions, and others. For example, it means you and me, man and woman, power and freedom, alive and dead, left and right, up and down, yes and no, ying and yang etc,,


every full moon in a month with a specific feature in Nature. These moon associations will vary depending upon the tribe we are honoring. This month, January is deemed the Wolf Moon or Cold Moon by various tribes indigenous to the Great Lakes region.
this graphic of symbolism it means infinity..
,,using in graphic design, that's so cool, as u can see u eyes on the right and u ear on the left, if u ask me what is that mean? ,,,i think it means infinity of u eyes and ears on this amazing concert, which will be a great show,,enjoy it

1 comment:

  1. cool this helped a lot coment bak if u think so to. ;)
