Nov 9, 2010


Impression – Sunrise

The term impressionism was first used in 1874 by Claude Monet.

That very famous painting now hangs in the Parise.

The Neo-Impressionist movement was brief yet influential. The term Divisionism was also the name of an Italian version of Neo-Impressionism in the 1890s and early 1900s, and one can trace a line to Futurism which was founded in 1909.

Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it. Sometimes the work appears to be slightly out of focus.

This is why most impressionist art is best viewed from a distance, to allow the characteristic broken, dotted or flickering brush work - so effective in capturing the quality of light - to merge into a cohesive image.

In my opionion, i love this printing of impressionist because i think that display a expreince with traveling. for example, i have a friend who very love fishing, and he always fishing on the side of sea when he has an available time.

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